20 Things to do in Lockdown to Help Avoid Boredom and Frustration

  1. Keep in touch with family and friends through Face Time, WhatsApp, Zoom, gaming and Skype
  2. Play games with those living with you (e.g. board games or party games)
  3. Create a weekly timetable and schedule short activities (or one thing) that you need to do each day followed by things you would really like to do for enjoyment as rewards
  4. Exercise – follow some online videos or audios for simple gentle exercises (but ensure you have no health issues that could be worsened by these) and go out for your daily walk
  5. Meditation or mindfulness practice – again online audios can be helpful to follow in order to focus
  6. A hobby – an old one you have not had the time for recently, or a new one such as arts and craft (drawing, painting, felting, knitting or crochet, felting, mindful colouring etc) or a musical instrument or learn a new language using free online videos and apps
  7. Cooking or baking – start simple such as making bread or muffins and gradually try more complex recipes – sharing what you have made can be a nice way to socialise or connect with those around you
  8. Planting seeds– planting seeds you can grow indoors or in a green house, such as flowers or herbs and chilies – caring for plants can be very soothing and even more fun if they can then be used in cooking
  9. Gardening (planting bulbs, weeding, pruning, mowing, tidying leaves etc ) – fresh air and physical activity is important when people are housebound and gardening provides both of these in addition to the enjoyment of spending time in the garden as it begins to bloom
  10. Do a small research project – research a topic you have always found interesting but never had the time to investigate further, and record your developing understanding of this area through notes and diagrams in a notebook
  11. Make a diary to record your thoughts and feelings about life in the current social and historical climate that you might share with younger generations in years to come
  12. Make a gratitude journal to make a note of something you are grateful for every day – this can also be a surprisingly good way to improve mood when we stuck into focusing on the negative side of life
  13. Home improvements or DIY such as repainting an area of your living space or renovating a piece of furniture
  14. Write a letter to an old friend or family member or write a letter to yourself to read when this time is over
  15. Make a list of your plans, hopes or aspirations for the coming year when the lockdown has ended
  16. Mending and repairing – clothes, footwear bags, ornaments or other favourite items that have become worn or broken
  17. Watching new films or your favourite films or programmes again
  18. Go on a virtual tour of an interesting place by using google maps (it is sometimes possible to click on doors to look inside interesting buildings) or visit:
    • The Louvre, Paris
    • Smithsonian, Washington DC
    • NASA, Ohio
    • Houston Zoo, Houston
    • National Aquarium, Baltimore
    • The Vatican, Vatican City
    • Legoland Hotel, Billund
  1. Do an online workshop or short course or attend an online conference and there are free courses available e.g. https://www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses
  2. Set up your own blog with ideas and interesting things you want to share with others