Daydreaming, also referred to as ‘zoning out’, is one of the numerous debilitating and often misunderstood symptom of ADHD and also affects many people with ASD. These terms are often...
Face Coverings and the 3 R’s
I am writing this blog post following on from the previous post I wrote on compassion during the period of lock down easing.
Self-Compassion and Compassion Focused Therapy
I am writing about compassion and compassion focused therapy (CFT) this month.
ADHD Myth Busters are here!
These clips were broadcast on Channel 4 for ADHD Awareness Month, and feature people with ADHD talking about their lived experiences of the condition to dispel common myths
ADHD affects the brain
Great short video shows the way ADHD affects the brain by Dr Mitul Mehta and Professor Philip Asherson.
Autism symptoms in Girls
Yo Samdy Sam gives some funny and interesting insights into being female with ASD which are worth a look:
Article on ASD by National Geographic
Wonderful article by National Geographic this month on a summer camp in Russia for adults with ASD.