Psychological Therapy

Psychological Therapy

The relationship between a patient and therapist has been shown to be the most important factor for successful work together. Therefore, it is important that you feel safe and comfortable so that you can talk openly about your problems and concerns.

To allow you some time to consider this, you will be offered a 15 minute phone call free of charge to have a short chat about what you would like to get out of therapy and the therapy we offer.

After your phone call you may wish to try an initial session, but you are under no obligation to do so.

An initial session can help you establish if you feel comfortable with a therapist. If you do and wish to proceed with therapy, it can be helpful to have a clear plan stipulating the number of therapy sessions you might want or need. This can allow a therapist and patient to work towards a clear goal in a given time.

However, if at any point, you decide you cannot or do not want to proceed with or continue with therapy, we will understand completely and not be offended.

Please see the Resources section (links below) for information on each type of therapy offered.

We are pleased to offer online and in-person sessions.


A 1-hour therapy session £125

We offer a limited number of sessions at lower rates on a sliding scale for people on a lower income.

Dr Nicholas is also registered with the private practice register and accepts referrals from private medical insurance companies.

An Important Note About Confidentiality

All clients and patients should feel safe and comfortable being honest and open with their psychologist or therapist in the knowledge that their personal information and anything discussed in sessions is private and confidential.

However, as psychologists and therapists we are supervised in the work we do with all patients to ensure our professionalism and be able to offer the best assessment, support and treatment we can. This means that around every 4 weeks we have meetings with another psychologist or therapist who offers advice and opinions about the work we do with all our patients. This is also confidential, and our supervisors do not know identifying details of any of our patients.

We are also professionally and legally required to place the wellbeing of our patients as priority, but also have a responsibility to protect the public. This means that if a patient gives a psychologist or therapist any reason to believe that they are at risk of harm or that they pose a risk to anyone else then we are legally obliged to breach confidentiality.

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