Terms and Conditions for Supervision

  1. We have agreed to meet for 60 minutes for the purposes of supervision in Clinical/forensic psychology and psychological therapy
  2. We shall agree the times in advance
  3. We are both accountable to our respective professional bodies including HCPC and codes of practice
  4. We aim to treat each other with respect, including respect for differences of opinions and ideas, as well as trust
  5. Confidentiality will be maintained except if either of us believe they have a statutory or mandatory duty to breach confidentiality. The person wishing to breach confidentiality will aim to discuss the issues with the person concerned first.
  6. If either of us has any concerns about our ability to perform the role of a clinical psychologist or psychological therapist, we agree to discuss this with each other first
  7. As a supervisee you are responsible for your own actions at the clinical interface
  8. If I know the client being discussed socially, I will inform you and if necessary, make other arrangements
  9. As Supervisee and supervisor, we agree to prepare for supervision and will maintain a record of supervision
  10. Records of clinical supervision sessions and any information you provide to me will be held securely by me
  11. Any shared information between us will be anonymised
  12. I retain the right not to agree to supervise a particular case but will inform you of the reasons (e.g. if I do not feel sufficiently knowledgeable of the area)
  13. The cost of supervision is £125.00 an hour to be paid monthly after receipt of an invoice.
  14. It is agreed that we will both give 2 session notice to finish this contract.